
Picking out a record from my collection at random and making myself play it. It's too easy to go directly to the ones you love most!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

#9 - Oxes LP

The whole 'Math Rock' (a term some say was coined by Courtney Love) genre has evolved into something incredibly formulaic (pun intended). Wikipedia tells us that Math Rock "is characterized by complex, atypical rhythmic structures (including irregular stopping and starting), odd time signatures, angular melodies, and extended, often dissonant chords." Their albums are also full of 'amusing' song titles for instrumental tracks. I find it all a bit tiresome these days, but occsionally find time to put one of the earlier examples of the genre.
The Oxes were a classic Maths Rock band, but with a sense of humour and a meaty sound. I actually prefer their second album 'Oxxxes', which is catchier and more assurred, but this is the one randomly grabbed off the shelf. They were a band I wished I'd seen live. At the very least, they would stand on large boxes, towering above the audience, but I'd have loved to have seen this ludicrous piece of rock theatre - "In late 2004, the group began doing an encore that consisted only of a reenactment of the opening scene for 2001:A Space Odyssey, introduced by the drummer as a one-act play and a new direction for the band. The two black boxes where stacked longways to resemble the monolith in the film, and Miller and Freeland began a free jazz rendition of Also sprach Zarathustra.  Fowler would slowly reemerge from an inconspicuous place in the venue, completely naked, bearing an object resembling or meant to symbolize a large bone. As the musical climax arrived, he would become increasingly enraged, much like the ape in the film, and eventually tear down the monolith and run off on all fours."

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